Post by Admin on Nov 23, 2023 20:09:14 GMT
#1812Project: "kinda fell down a small rabbithole the other day, & I just find it highly fascinating to imagine, what IF?!", lnkd.in/efTYBu2U "Nikola Tesla was the greatest inventor of his era, he died penniless & alone, swindled by both Thomas Edison & JP Morgan", "IF you can't get a meter on it, we don't want it", made him look crazy, poisoned him & killed him, along with burying hopes of bringing back our stolen #technologies, .. ...rebels trying to re-bell our cathedrals, warding off dangerous microbes, antennae sending electrons through amalgamated-bulbs #mercuryvortex,, collecting/distributing healing-frequencies, charging electrolytic-waters at cymatic-patterned starforts, extracting hydrogen & helium at lighthouses & mooring-stations, recharging airships, generating overabundance voltage, untold amperage at pyramidal-complexes, massive capacitors sending frequencies charging obelisks... ...understanding frequency-propagations, #electroculture, #electroporation, #electrolysis, charging plenty #electricity from various means, & not charging anyone for its uses!.. -#History is nonsense, #Ourstory is Amazing!, how much healthier, how much happier, how... -#KineticInduction: lnkd.in/eU5UWmDF ...since #Dec16_1811 inheritors have made their decisions, for all humanity, have held progress, because,.. ..."we didn't build it, blow it up!", have abused our forefathers accomplishments, have disregarded any sufferings by the masses, have sacrificed even their own children's futures for some false sense of control... -"wars, plagues, famine, repeat-cycle"- & what's in textbooks- ~ -as more realize, as their greed & powers fade, as "the old-guard" dies off, "moment of realization's worth a thousand prayers", let us give Thanks! to all those considering our future!!!- -Happy-ThanksGiving!!!- -bring back our lost #Atiquitech-"find the truths behind the myths" #shockdynamics #impactphysics #planetarydefense #educationreform www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7133545683462057984?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktopwww.linkedin.com/posts/tony-hood-56419040_why-was-tesla-building-a-death-ray-activity-7133545159597674496-yKWR?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop"Why Was Tesla Building a "Death Ray"?" "...Please help support us on Patreon, read our goals here: www.patreon.com/truthstreammediaAs context is very important for all videos; this message is to confirm that the purpose of this video is reporting on or documenting the content. Note that we make an effort to research for context and cite our sources when necessary..." ~ homeopathic.com/a-condensed-history-of-homeopathy/"...“Perhaps the most important reason that conventional physicians disliked homeopathy and homeopaths was well expressed at an A.M.A. meeting by one of the more respected orthodox physicians who said, “We must admit that we never fought the homeopath on matters of principles; we fought him because he came into the community and got the business.” “..."
Post by Admin on Nov 27, 2023 20:06:53 GMT
#Mudflood: lnkd.in/ej_DQtt6 "even the origins of the cities name are unclear", "there was a large peat-layer above the planks",-mass-liquefaction, continents shifting at compressional-boundaries, a worldwide complete societal-reset, wiping away countless millions lives, sinking cities, tsunamis washing over, loss of so many advancements, taking our final #Maya/ #Magi, metallurgists, alchemists, astronomers,.. Priests having knowledge for our stolen tech., understanding how to read the clock in Prague, knowledge erased... #1812Project: ...after #Sungrazer #C1811F1's close passing, leaving its trail of debris, "fire from the skies", one massive bolide resurfacing entire #MississippiEmbayment #Dec16_1811, leaving #devolution... ...what would this cause... ...just prior California was an island, still operating many pyramidal-complexes, cathedrals collecting/distributing healing-frequencies, charging electrolytic-waters at starforts, extracting hydrogen & helium at lighthouses/mooring-stations, recharging airships... ...unbelievable amounts of pilfered #technologies, held for false-profits, dummying society down for some warped control-mechanism, "helium's such a rare commodity, but you all can use it for party-balloons", for just another example, cathedral means spiral-cathode, #pyramid means fire in the middle, all this "shoved in everyone's face"... #KineticInduction: lnkd.in/eU5UWmDF-#History is full of lies,#Ourstory is just AMAZING!!!- -time now to awaken from our #collectiveamnesia, find our collective-outrage!, rid these inheritors, "didn't build it, blow it up" mentality, reinvent our hidden #technology, return this contruct to our previous position, &-"to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life & new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!", or, at least, we haven't... -what is "wealth"- -bring back our lost #Antiquitech-"find the truths behind the myths" #shockdynamics #impactphysics #planetarydefense #educationreform www.linkedin.com/posts/tony-hood-56419040_reset-roads-2-europa-activity-7134995347860262912-tGqF?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop"Reset Roads 2 Europa" "...Looking into the reset roads of Europe and associated phenomena..."
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2023 3:51:44 GMT
"we counted time back then completely different" "How to read Prague Astronomical Clock - SHORT and EASY explanation from a real Prague guide" "...In this video, Vaclav will teach you how to read Prague Astronomical Clock, step by step. You will learn how to read the Old Czech Time, Old German Time, Babylonian Time, and Vaclav will also tell you a little about the Sidereal Time. You will also learn why is it called the Astronomical Clock and which heavenly bodies it shows us. At the end of the video, you will see how to read the calendar on the clock. This is not a full explanation, there are some things we won't cover in this video, but it is so far the most detailed explanation you can find on YouTube. Also, this video was made for people who travel to Prague, not for astronomers Don't expect a scientific explanation. Sidereal Time: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sider... Timecodes 0:00 - Intro 0:50 - Astrolabe - Introduction to the upper dial 1:05 - Old Czech Time explanation 1:50 - Old German Time 2:23 - Babylonian Time 3:40 - Sidereel Time 4:10 - Celestial movements 5:12 - The Calendar If you are in Prague, we'll be happy to have you on our Free Walking Tour: www.tours-prague.eu/tour-free.... or our Prague Castle tour: ..." ~ "my apologies to the experts, but I am trying to keep it simple"... "HOW TO READ THE PRAGUE ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK" "...How to read the Prague astronomical –including the Clock Face Challenge. This episode makes sense of all the bewildering number of colours, pointers,numbers and dials and will help you to understand and read the Prague Astronomical clock. It does look very confusing, but once explained, you will understand just how marvellous, magnificent and complex this 600 year old clock really is BUT, once you understand it, it is easy to read and you will be able to impress your friends, family and potential employers with your knowledge; and you can test your understanding by accepting the Clock Face Challenge. Sources and credits: All effort has been made to identify the owners of copyright for any picture used in the making of this video and given full accreditation. History of Astronomy Channel - Youtube www.orloj.eu/en/home1.htmThe astronomical clock in Prague - Vojtěch Sedláček earthsky.org/Animations of the astronomical clock • Video • Orloj-Astronomical Clock-Prague. A Fu... Fanfare – Sound Laboratory • The queen royalty trumpet sound effect Editor: Joshua Stewart. MG logo: Ashley Madden ..."
Post by Admin on Nov 28, 2023 16:22:16 GMT
www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/reveh-2023-0072/html"...This is a meta study on the impact of EMF on insects: we worked in the past with the author Marie Claire Cammaerts, a worlwide expert in insects and we videotaped one experiment exposing a colony of ants to a Wi-Fi router: the impact was chockingly visual, the ants litterally seems to fall in deep coma, and came back to life as soon as we brought our oscillator next to them. The study was published ( and should have been listed in this study). Similarly, we ran one experiment with the fruit fly Drosophilia Melanogaster, testing the impact of a cellular phone on the expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 and S.R.E: in both cases the impact of exposure to artificial man made EMF was demonstrated, and corrected with our technology. Insects are small animals, in the size range of few millimeters, therefore phenomenon of resonance with millimeter waves explains many harmfull effects participating, along with chemicals, to the disappearance of many species of insects, including bees..." lnkd.in/eSNByHcN"Effects of electromagnetic fields on humans (1/3)" "...Potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). nature-tips.com/effects-of-el... In an increasingly technology-driven world, concerns about the potential health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are resurfacing. Recent research from Washington State University has revealed a possible link between electromagnetic fields and Alzheimer’s disease. Although further research is warranted, it should also be noted, that EMF add to many other problems noted such as electrosensitivity, headaches, nervous breakdowns, heart rhythm problems, joint pain and muscles, or even certain cancers. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the findings and offer proven strategies to minimize EMF exposure and protect yourself from its potential negative effects. The link between electromagnetic fields and Alzheimer’s disease: A study conducted at Washington State University suggests a correlation between EMF exposure and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers exposed mice to the equivalent of EMFs experienced by humans from cell phones and found increased production of beta-amyloid proteins, which contribute to plaque formation in the brains of AD patients. ‘Alzheimer’s. Although these results provide valuable information, it is essential to remember that additional research is needed to obtain conclusive evidence on the direct impact of electromagnetic fields on Alzheimer’s disease in humans. The study in question, conducted by renowned researchers in the field, sought to explore the association between EMF exposure and electrosensitivity, a condition characterized by symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and sleeping troubles. Researchers sought a large sample size and used rigorous methodologies to measure EMF exposure levels and assess electrosensitivity symptoms. Your cell phone puts out a steady stream of EMF radiation… Whether you’re actively using it or not. The good news is, you CAN protect yourself from the harmful EMFs that come from your phone… In fact, you can neutralize up to 99% of the radiation with one simple, very inexpensive solution! This sticker looks simple, but it’s a powerful tool that reduces EMFs emitted by your phone. nature-tips.com/product/emf-d... And, it doesn’t interfere with your reception at all… Dangers of ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMFs ) : nature-tips.com/dangers-of-el... EMF Defense Bracelet To Protect Yourself nature-tips.com/product/emf-d... EMF protection pendant To Protect Yourself from EMF nature-tips.com/product/emf-p... #EMF #emfradiations #emfprotection #emfdefensebracelet #emfdefensesticker #emfdefensependant #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthbooks #naturalremedy #preppy #preparation #survival ************************************************************************ Disclaimer: These videos and descriptions may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission but at no extra cost to you. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make content like this. I always offer a honest opinion related to the product itself, to help you make an informed purchasing decision. Thank you for your support! Please note that results may and will vary. I cannot guarantee those – it all depends on each person’s situation, motivation, health and metabolism. I highly suggest you simply look into it and do your own due diligence before making any kind of purchase..."
Post by Admin on Nov 30, 2023 22:30:10 GMT
#1812Project: "people from the 19th century didn't build this, it was left", "founded 1832", by inheritors, "didn't build it, blow it up!", & when Nikola Tesla attempted retrieving some of this destroyed #technology, J.P. Morgan's buddies told him "IF we can't get a meter on it, then we don't want it", put hydrogen in the Hindenburg & burned it up, "helium's such a rare commodity, but you all can use it for party-balloons"... ...yea sure, either that, or during extraction you simply skim the helium off the top of the hydrogen, in lighthouses, mooring-stations,.. recharging our incoming airships, that we had dotting our skies for,.. I don't know how long, this is how early #cartography was achieved, & could move massive amounts weight, so probably moving a lot of building materials using all our blimps, does this not seem logical... ...with our starforts charging electrolytic-waters, enough for even our plants & animals to have enough electrolytes, collecting/distributing healing-frequencies within our cathedrals, churchbells warding off dangerous microbes, pyramidal-complexes generating overabundance voltage, untold amperage, charging obelisks, enough plasma for distant communications, space-travels, massive capacitors... -maybe we should reinstate our original #energy sources, #chemicalreaction, #sulfursaltfrequencyquartz, #mercuryvortex, #kineticinduction- lnkd.in/eU5UWmDF -maybe we should relearn #electroculture, #electroporation, #electrolysis, & the so many ways to generate #electricity, maybe we should reimagine magic... #rebirthofMagi lnkd.in/dUwcNnns #rebuildthepyramids re #evolve -what do you think?,-maybe we should reimplement our pilfered #technologies, reinventing our past, remembering our status, maybe we should... -bring back our lost #Antiquitech-"find the truths behind the myths" #shockdynamics #impactphysics #planetarydefense #educationreform www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7136117211097698305?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktopwww.linkedin.com/posts/tony-hood-56419040_big-buildings-photos-after-world-reset-some-activity-7136116719990800385-lx7H?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop"Big Buildings Photos after World Reset. Some Space Rockets are Balloons?" "...Big empty buildings with no electricity, heating and toilets, surrounded by loose vegetation and mud streets. No people, no human activity, no persons in the surrounding city. Just abandoned. Then, the first people in carriages with horses appear. How about world repopulation with clones and incubators from 1800 until 1850. And then the current society of money and debts from 1850 until today. Also, look and those space rockets how they fall just like balloons and never go in a straight line to space. There are also some different buildings in Mexico and other parts of America, different architecture but the same abandoned places with loose vegetation and no people. And then the first people appear again with wooden carts and horses..."
Post by Admin on Dec 2, 2023 2:11:12 GMT
"everything owes its existence souly & completely to sound"... "The Doctor Who Cracked the Secrets of Existence" - www.facebook.com/unlearningtogether/videos/678231344103740/"...Dr. Sir Peter Guy Manners - Bringing Matter To Life With Sound - www.cymaticsource.comWatch the full video breakdown, expertly guided by Dr. Peter Guy Manners - • Cymatics - Bringing Matter To Life Wi... Dr. Peter Guy Manners laid the foundation; now, we delve even deeper. The question is, are you ready to uncover the truths that have been meticulously concealed for centuries? Frequency and vibration, concepts long studied, with their sheer power archived in thousands of classified documents. The CIA, amongst other agencies, has detailed the immense capabilities of these forces. Their potential to induce earthquakes isn't merely a conspiracy theory; it's a documented reality. Numerous patents reveal the potential to influence weather patterns, hinting at the capacity to create rain and even hurricanes. The military's clandestine involvement in this domain suggests the gravity of its implications. The secrecy, the layers of obfuscation, all point to something profound. Consider this: the Wi-Fi signals permeating our environment are invisible forces we've come to rely upon. It’s there, always present, allowing us to connect, communicate, and navigate our digital world. Similarly, the television, a staple of modern living, functions through electronic beams scanning rapidly back and forth, translating signals into images and sounds. This is the palpable power of frequency, present in our everyday lives, often taken for granted. Yet, in an era of incessant notifications and relentless distractions, our attention spans wane. We stand at the brink of revelations about sonic sorcery, yet risk being pulled away by a mere ping on our devices. The Illuminati, that shadowy ensemble, is believed to possess arcane knowledge of these frequencies, using them as instruments of control, influence, and dominion. There's a silent battle, an ongoing hunt for specific powerful frequencies that can reshape the very fabric of society and reality. If we falter, if our attention wavers, we may lose more than just a piece of information; we might lose an entire battle in a war we didn't even know we were a part of. It’s a battle for knowledge, for power, and for the future of our world. So, I urge you, as we venture deeper into this world of hidden harmonies and clandestine chords, to remain vigilant. Understand the urgency. These aren't mere sounds or vibrations; these are the threads weaving the tapestry of our reality. Guard your focus, for in it lies the key to unlocking secrets that could define the course of our future. As we pull back the layers of secrecy, deception, and sonic sorcery, brace yourselves for truths that might just redefine everything you thought you knew..." ~ "CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford" "AUTOMATICA - Robots Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford"
Post by Admin on Dec 3, 2023 1:55:35 GMT
#1812Project: "most cisterns were closed-up when households got running water", "in New Orleans, apparently in 1916, the "sewage & water board" banned cysterns"?, controlling water-supplies, for fluoridation, no more overabundance electrolytic-waters, no more collecting/distributing healing-frequncies, infusing hydration with electrolytes... lnkd.in/eK9rUutZ "Rockefeller’s first move was to use his vast wealth (from oil) to purchase part of the German pharmaceutical company I.G. Farben. (look up Farben’s involvement in WWII)", "early 1900’s there were a variety of doctors and healing modalities in America. Some of the medical specialties included chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, holistic medicine and herbal medicine. To eliminate the competition Rockefeller he hired a contractor named Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910. This report “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds of years were unscientific quackery. The report called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only the AMA (another monopoly) would be allowed to grant medical school licensure in the U.S."... ...& so, #healthcare, #education, #energy,.. were made into capitalistic-commodity, where they do not belong, everyone forced to pay-for, in more ways than one, poisons considered "medicine", indoctrination of falsified #History, putting everyone on a grid, charging for killowatt-hours, miles-per-gallon, British-thermal-units, acquiring untaxed numbers in offshore accounts, false-profits for "false-prophets", just lies... ...while our true wealth is within cathedrals collecting free ions, infusing this within waters at starforts, & these cisterns, extracting hydrogen & helium at lighthouses recharging incoming airships, generating excessive voltage at pyramidal-complexes... #KineticInduction- lnkd.in/eU5UWmDF..."cymatics"- lnkd.in/ebeSrjbf -"everything owes its existence souly & completely to sound",-along with a whole host of forgotten, destroyed #technologies, [what our forefathers were attempting to convey], mostly wiped away #Dec16_1811, just prior we were highly advanced... lnkd.in/eBF4yfPZ "#Sungrazer, how the west was won" -just see how much more fascinating #Ourstory actually is!!!- -bring back our lost #Antiquitech-"find the truths behind the myths" #shockdynamics #impactphysics #planetarydefense #educationreform www.linkedin.com/posts/tony-hood-56419040_the-cisternians-activity-7136895086474211328-6-dt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop"The (Cistern)ians" "...Looking into Cisterns and a possible connection with Cathedrals... ..."
Post by Admin on Dec 4, 2023 21:27:25 GMT
"The Epic of Gilgamesh", "Graveyard of Giants found in China",-"with the announcement of a discovery which we may relish, but those that these remains lie just beyond the clutches of, we would presume, rather get a hold of themselves to study, & then store-away at hidden archives, far from public view, an ongoing effort", to destroy our #History, pilfer our #technology, distorting all of our #science, & for what... #1812Project: ...after #Sungrazer #C1811F1 caused cometary-catastrophe, one immense bolide resurfacing entire #MississippiEmbayment... ...how many lives just instantly erased, how many cities instantly buried, melted, how many advanced #technologies destroyed, how many lies we've been told... ...& since Morgan's buddies told Tesla "can't meter it, don't want it", this certain group has taken responsibility upon themselves to instruct the past several generations complete nonsense... ...Ben Franklin did not discover #electricity "with a key on a kitestring", the Wright-brothers did not "discover the power of flight", the whole Spanish-conquest is complete nonsense, & we have, all of us, existed within #devolution, our entire lives... ...because when Gilgamesh had stated "from now on I will only drink the charged water", he was discussing electrolytic-waters generated at starforts, #electroculture,. charging up even enough for our plants & animals, infused with Earth's heartbeat, electrolytes, collecting/distributing free ions at cathedrals, churchbells warding-off dangerous microbes, #electrolysis at lighthouses recharging airships, understanding #electroporation, excessive amounts #millimeterwaves lysis membranes from cells, allowing pathways for pathogens... #KineticInduction: lnkd.in/eU5UWmDF-knowledge passed down, as we were still mapping Milankovitch-cycles on #longcountcalendar, reading the clock in Prague until #Dec16_1811... ...since this moment in time, we have all had #collectiveamnesia... -how many are aware #Ourstory is so much more Amazing!!!- -Time We Awaken!!!- -bring back our lost #Antiquitech-"find the truths behind the myths" #shockdynamics #impactphysics #planetarydefense #educationreform www.linkedin.com/posts/tony-hood-56419040_ancient-giant-gilgamesh-found-buried-in-activity-7137552476236328960-TA9P?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop"Ancient Giant "Gilgamesh" Found Buried In Iraq?"
Post by Admin on Dec 11, 2023 3:29:45 GMT
"Faustian-Bargain"-"& everything that this material-world has to offer" ;-]
"Solomons Ring Controlled Demons to Build the Temple, Who USUALLY Promises Wealth & Power ?"
Post by Admin on Dec 11, 2023 6:28:41 GMT
"...helium's such a rare commodity, but you all can use it for party-balloons..." ;-]
"When Earth's Skies were Zeppelin. A hidden wall history. Reptile Vatican Christ" "...When the skies of the world were allowed to be filled with zeppelins. Is earth round and spinning? Is free energy allowed? I'm just asking. Am I allowed to ask? That wall in that distant country shows a different history than what we were told. Why had the Vatican that type of reptile Christ decoration and eye? Reminds me of the Lord of the Rings too...the eye from a different dimension..."
Post by Admin on Dec 11, 2023 22:35:15 GMT
www.txst.edu/philosophy/resources/fallacy-definitions/Ad-Hominem.html#:~:text=(Attacking%20the%20person)%3A%20This,in%20a%20group%20or%20institution. "Ad Hominem: (Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution. Examples: Student: Hey, Professor Moore, we shouldn't have to read this book by Freud. Everyone knows he used cocaine. Socrates' arguments about human excellence are rubbish. What could a man as ugly as he know about human excellence. Yeah, I think everyone's opinion counts on moral matters like that, but that Lila sleeps around with anything. I know of at least one marriage she's broken up, so why should her opinion count on anything, much less morality? Of course Marx' theories about the ideal society are bunk. The guy spent all his time in the library. We cannot approve of this recycling idea. It was thought of by a bunch of hippie communist weirdos. There's no reason to take seriously Nietzsche's ideas about the Superman. Weak and sickly all his short life, of course he found this concept captivating. In psychology, we call this compensation. I was assigned a personal trainer at the Rec, and he gave me a new workout program. But I don't have any confidence in his expertise, since he has obvious trouble controlling his own appetite. No, I will not reply. I see no need to defend my views against the objections of ignoramuses..."
Post by Admin on Dec 13, 2023 0:26:32 GMT
Post by Admin on Dec 13, 2023 2:17:04 GMT
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34476698/"Simultaneous exposure to electromagnetic field from mobile phone and unimpeded fructose drinking during pre-, peri-, and post-pubertal stages perturbs the hypothalamic and hepatic regulation of energy homeostasis by early adulthood: experimental evidence" "Ruchi Tripathi 1, Sanjay Kumar Banerjee 2 3, Jay Prakash Nirala 4, Rajani Mathur 5 Affiliations expand PMID: 34476698 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15841-y Abstract The present-day children-adolescents ubiquitously use the mobile phones and unrestrictedly consume fructose-laden diet. Unfortunately, a rise in the incidence of insulin resistance and fatty liver syndrome in young adults has also been recorded. To delineate a possible correlate, the effect of exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) from the mobile phone and unrestricted fructose intake during pre-, peri-, and post-pubertal stages of development on orexigenic and anorexigenic signals arising from the hypothalamus and liver of rats is investigated here. The study design included four arms, i.e., "Normal", "Exposure Only (ExpO)", "Fructose Only (FruO)", and "Exposure with Fructose (EF)", wherein weaned rats received either "normal chow and drinking water" or "normal chow and fructose (15%) drinking solution" in presence and absence of EMF exposure (2 h/day) for 8 weeks. The results indicate that the total calories consumed by the EF were higher by early adulthood than normal, possibly under the influence of the raised levels of the orexigenic hormone, i.e., ghrelin, and it reflected as raised rate of weight gain. At early adulthood, the EF recorded mitigated response and sensitivity of insulin. Despite EF being a "fed-state", both centrally and peripherally, the glycolysis was restrained, but the gluconeogenesis was raised. Additionally, the altered lipid profile and the glycogen levels indicate that the EF developed fatty liver. The energy homeostasis of the EF was compromised as evidenced by (a) reduced expression of the glucosensors-GLUT2 and glucokinase in the hypothalamus and liver and (b) reduced expression of the cellular energy regulator-AMPK, orexigenic peptide-NPY, and anorexigenic peptide-POMC in the hypothalamus. Taken together, the present study evidences that the exposure to EMFfrom the mobile phone and unrestricted fructose intake during childhood-adolescence impairs the central and peripheral pathways that mediate the glucosensing, glucoregulation, feeding, and satiety behavior by early adulthood. Keywords: Animal model; Childhood-adolescence; Electromagnetic field; Energy homeostasis; Hypothalamus; Liver; Mobile phone; Unimpeded fructose drinking. © 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature..."
Post by Admin on Dec 18, 2023 19:37:11 GMT
"Phenomenal impact of sound over blood cells: osteophony ?" "Montagnier claims weak electromagnetic-fields can form an imprint of a DNA-strand in pure water, which can then be used to reconstruct the original DNA"?! #electricaldisease "La folle influence du Son sur le Sang" "...Ce travail de recherches vous plait? Vous pouvez contribuer à nous aider: www.paypal.com/donate?token=L... ..."
Post by Admin on Dec 18, 2023 19:44:03 GMT